The first word that comes to my mind is ‘complex’ when I hear that word, there’s nothing like an ideal there!!
My friend the other day was whining about the fact that she hates it when her guy talks about all his previous conquests so openly in front of her ,laughing at it or sometimes sermonizing in front of his friends or when they are in a group, it is demeaning to hear ur guy say all that especially with the current girl around if I may put it .Its insulting and if I were her (tho that wud neva be) I would throw hot soup in his freaking face.Its disgusting , have heard their fights and he claims he is being honest .Honest bullshit. .Think about it would anyone wanna discuss the nitty gritties of all the past and then dig out the muck and throw at each oher or when there’s a heated discussion happening .Talk about hypocrisy its sheer insensitiveness towards your partner as she would be the next girl soon in the list .I hope not though. .fingers crossed.%%
.I think that this kind of stuff should be reserved for an intimate moment alone with one’s partner.. coz flashbacks serve no pupose jus spell War…and I don’t consider spilling out gory details as deceitful it is practical guys for crying out loud ..i mean that poor girl hearts of hearts is at all times complexed coz she never knows when would she be compared o some random person and is at all times rather coy about all those feelings lest they also be paraded in public…coz u never know when such details willl be thrown at them. .Its important to be sensitive to your partners need when u claim u r in a relationship. .Its not about planning trips together but its also about being there, .knowing all those unspoken things… a warm hug,saying ure there , I mean my father till now is the only man I have known who knows at all times what maa likes and surprises her often coz she is this person who would just never demand anything ..I mean I have never come across any1 as satiated as her. .she is satiated with life that its unimaginable a thing that none of her children have acquired…being satisfied ..i mean look at me .the day I got a car I wanted a nice music system..when I got that i wanted woofers ,when I got that I wanted to drive my dads car!:)..but hey we are not talking of me at the moment…I mean am the sort of person who verbalizes every need ,every aspect of my life ..i have grown in an extremely communicative environment wherein each word that I said was respected, argued, fought shared, joked but the bottom line is it was always given an attentive ear and respected.. !!
I think that was a very nurturing experience as It is important to articulate feelings and emotions…ALMOST ALWAYS...watsay??
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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