Today as i sat with mom with our large cups up tea..the usual afternoon and what smelled and tasted like home.I realised we have been catching up on so many things and occurences in both our lives recently an am soo glad,hers being a teacher for more than 25 years now..weve spent the most beautiful time this time around as we had recently come back from a vacation in pune at muh brothers place who is currently employed and happy and so were we to c him settled...We have been catching up since almost what seems long hours that never seem enough.My mom whos always earned the praise of all my friends and one in particular aditi whos all praises for her always as she puts it "babe,shes the most amazing mother there ever was"..true every word of her praise..she truly is!!Although we have always kept in touch with our lives yet before this vacation we had never reallly dissected the happenings and the occurences,something that we do so often ..Today when i was leaning back on my cushion in the drawing room sipping tea with her i realised .."i always knew she is an amazing mother but today shes more like a very dear friend"dunno when she became one..
As far as my memory stretches maa has always been the first person that i came to with every tear and every laugh..When i lost my front tooth and swore never to smile till i got back one,when i lost my favourite pen,when i first slapped a guy in school and when i did all those stupid things in my room like painting the door and writing stupid nothings when she was asleep and she would wake up 2 the horror of finding her expensive done up wall reduced to a spoiled one with smudges of paint here and there..she never said a word though her dissapointment was apparent..She has never judged me,and has let me set my own expectations,thankfully unlike my other friends who hav grown up with fights in the families amd separated parents or siblings that never acknowledged each other in public..Ours touch wood has been quite a happy modest upbringing woth a happy home front...Today as i sat across the woman who has given me life i can just thank her for her lovely gifts that have been in terms of letting me be me and not finding her ideal daughter in soo glad to her for that ..i know that we are both growing up in experience and in coming closer to each other but all i want to say is that she has been perhaps the only one in my life who made me feel that my opinions were never immature and my thoughts never silly..
Love her
Thursday, June 14, 2007
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sniff sniff..that was beautiful...
hi nikita wats up...well never knew this side of the knew the way u r in the college.....but jus tat 2 day i visited ur profile and saw the link.....well i am impressed to see passages tat u have put in.....seriously its very good ...and its actually true...not only wid u but with everybody....keep the good work goin...take care...bye
what a wonderful thought her mother is really lucky to have her and also she's lucky to have her too
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