Monday, August 20, 2012
Beyond The Grey
Whether you like it,crib about it ,you cant escape from the revolution of 50 shades of Grey ,from the midland Mum to most 20 year olds reading the bondage affair ,its got everyone talking and probably redefining what goes on inside the bedroom ..
From women in Delhi holding their hens and uber cool aunties holding kitties on the theme of Fifty Shades with everyone sporting faintly fetish wear ,its got all the readers gripped..Having picked one myself ,I can firmly say ,although the book is grammatically weak and repetitive in style the concept is rather bold to be told in such a stylish fashion.
Bedroom relationships have been redefined from sexier outfits to feeling confident to talking dirty,many experts say that a baby boom is expected as a result.Men are loving their wives reading Grey and probably the fantasy world is being given a bold description.
The sadomasochistic affair between wealthy entrepreneur Christian Grey and literature student Anastasia Steele has sparked the business of lingerie and erotic sensibilities.
However,to my opinion the book has done very little to remove the misconception that submissives are doormats to a pre-feminist age, and as someone who self-defines as ‘submissive’ that makes me think that the concept could have been shown better light with either of the duo playing submissive.
50 Shades of Gray did its positive thing -it got a lot of people interested in trying some activities(And, again, a big portion of submissives are men, and dominants are women. Or it can be a gay or lesbian couple. There are all kinds of varieties).Either way its liberating.
Beyond that, everybody has to decide for themselves what role kink will play in their lives. I know people who live a BDSM relationship 24/7, others who have a regular vanilla relationship except for when they play and have sex. There are people who don't venture beyond fur-lined cuffs, and people who have a huge suitcase full of toys..There is no one way to do it, it's your own personal journey.
I dont agree with it being'bad for women'in any way.But there are so many different kinds of women. How can one say that a book is 'bad' for all women? I happen to feel that there are plenty of women who would accept the book at face-value,it's erotica, meant purely for entertainment. It's not written as a guide to how we as women should feel about ourselves and what we should expect from relationships.
I read a book about a suicidal woman who killed herself - is that bad for me? No. Because I can read about it without becoming the characters.
While I understand that there are some people who might get the idea that the relationships described in the book are exactly what they want, I don't feel that it' is necessarily 'bad'.
Let people make their own decisions, and decide if it's right for them. It seems simple-minded to make such a broad statement about women when no two women are the same.
Personally i feel every woman,secretly would love to have a Christian's love and affection (without the BDSM and the controlling). If we could bottle that love and affection, the world would be a happier place.
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Very well written I must say.......a complete insight of a woman's brain before n after the 50 shades of grey......
i love it... u make me want to read it even more now
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